About Science Invention


Credit Card 
Money Gram
Mobile Phone
Cellular Phone
Dish Antenna

We live in an age of science. Modem civilization is the reflection of it. It is a blessing to mankind. We can see the wonders of science around us. Science has made our life easy and comfortable such as telephone, computer, internet, radio, electricity, dish-antenna etc. They are very useful to our live. We cannot think of our modern life without it. It has changed out life, society, and culture. It has both good sides and bad sides. If it is used to the welfare of mankind, it will be welcomed. But if is used to the destruction of human environment, it is not welcomed by the people. The invention of (NP) has changed of the world. It has great impact on the world. It works like the magic lamp of Aladdin; Now (NP) has become an essential part in our every day life. We can not think single moment without it. We can not think single moment without it. We can do anything position on negative by the help of it. But we should use it for the welfare of whole mankind.


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