Digital Bangladesh

Digital Bangladesh Bangladesh has already fixed her target of achieving “Digital Bangladesh” with that particular time. It is a time of expecting of the nation to see their country in a proper position among other hi tech countries in the world. With a view to implement of Digital Bangladesh the first and foremost duty is to spread the ICT education throughout the whole country. Present ruling pasty (AL) is committed to the nation for implementing Digital Bangladesh and regarding this she has projected various steps. Because of being poor and illiterate, our people cannot use ICT. Using ICT is still now beyond their imagination.

 It is unfortunate that some of us consider it nothing But mere a fashion though most of the people of our country have a lot of interests they remain out of access of ICT on account of high price. In the present era of globalization ICT is a cross cutting issue. The main obstacles are economic crisis, illiteracy, poverty, fundamentalism tyranny of muscular energy, corruption terrorism and so on. Our country a digital one, government’s commitment and people’s co-operation are urgently required. Government should take steps to spread ICT education throughout the country, our education should lay computer based. Students should get easy access to the computer. Then we would be able to build up “Digital Bangladesh”.


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