All scientific essay

We live in an age of science. Modern age is an age of science. Modern civilization is the reflection of it. It is a blessing to mankind. We can see the wonders of science around us. Science has made our life easy and comfortable. With the passage of time man has invented and discovered newer and newer wonders of science. Such as radio, television, internet, mobile phones, satellite, dish antenna, freeze, electricity are some of them. These are very useful for our life. We cannot think of our modern life without science. Computer is one of them. 

Science has linked up the distant parts of the world. Science has done wonders in the field of communication. They have brought the world closer to us. We can send news from one corner of the world to other within a moment. It has conquered space, distance and time. Computer is also a great media for communication. 

Science has discovered many wonders for our recreation. We can enjoy many things by means of computer. Science has made invisible things visible to us. Now it has advanced with its three dimension activities. Digital sound system has made these recreational activities much enjoyable. 

Educative value: 
Computer has a great educative value. It teaches us to many things. It has minimized the distance between literate and illiterate. 

Bad effects of computer: 
It has both good sides and bad sides. If it is used to the welfare of mankind. It will be welcomed. But if it is used to the destruction of human environment. It is not welcomed by the people. We should remember that any misuse of computer can cause a lot of trouble to the individual. That is why, many people have been victims of such misuse of computer. So people have to be be aware of the proper use of computer. 

Other points: 
Computer has made the world small. It has inquired time and distance. People need not spend huge money to go to abroad. Now it is at the reach of our hand. 

Computer has the greatest of all conquerors. It has made our life easy and comfortable by representing computer. It has established itself firmly in our hearts.


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