Letter After your degree final exam

Dear Sohana,

At first take my cordial love and Salam from the core of my heart. Now I don't know how you are now. I hope you are well by the grace of Almighty Allah. I am also well. I received your letter yesterday. 

From your letter you wanted to know what I intend to do after my degree final exam. I have decided to go to Dhaka after the exam. There I want to complete TOEFL course. I want to finish my Masters abroad. So I need TOEFL because it is highly essential for reading abroad. I hope you will appreciate my Idea. 

No more today I will meet you within short time. You must take care of your health. With my best wishes for you. give me respect and Salam to your parents and love to the youngers. 

Sincerely yours, (Sujon)


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