Any Kind of Fair


Car fair
Tree fair
Book fair
Trade fair
Mobile fair
Village fair
Computer fair
Baishakhi fair
Maharram fair
New year day fair

There are many kind of fairs. Such as book fair, trade fair, baishakhi fair, maharram fair, international trade fair, flowers fair, New Year’s Day fair and car fair. (It*) is one of them. It is held on a fixed day of month every year. Traders decorate their stalls or pavilions very tastefully to attract the attention of the people. People enter the stall and ask many questions about their (Book**) commodities. Foreigners also attend the fair to know the quality. Sometimes foreign stalls are opened to advertise their products. People can buy any (books) commodities in cheap rate. Sometimes cultural functions are arranged for the people. Children-toys, sweets, and many other things are sold around the gates. It is a great meeting place of public. Generally it is opened up to 10 pm. usually people of all classes attend (It). I attend many fairs. Poets, businessmen, students, teachers and many other people come in the fair. Foreign goods (books) are available in most of the stalls of the (it).

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